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Our Adoption Story Part 2

We took Mary to the Dr. today. It was an early morning appointment and it’s almost 2 hours away in Simpsonville. I think she was surprised that we wanted to go. We are having bad internet problems at the hotel and I missed 2 meetings yesterday because of it...NOT GOOD! One was a large presentation but I didn't want to do it with poor internet connections and besides, the Dr. was more important.

We picked them up at 7am. Jake looked great and was glad to see us aside from the pre-dawn hour. Brian raised the 3rd row seat, hauled her in so she could lie down and we were off.

We had to fill the car again. The awesome new comfy doped out car is sucking gas like a nipple in a Medela 2000 Breast Pump on High.

At first the greeting at the birth center was less than friendly. We were led into the waiting room, told to sit down and watch this movie. The movie was touting midwives and the process while seriously dissing GYN's and hospitals. The movie pulled no punches. Brian and I then started a heated discussion in the waiting room. Jake helped to assuage it.

Soon the Head Midwife who seriously resembled a House Wife of Atlanta with her gorgeous goldie locks and adorable southern twang. But this lady rules with an iron fist. She certainly had a preconceived notion of us being grabby grabby adoptive parents. I don't know if we changed her mind, but her guard was certainly down significantly and she invited us to hear the baby's heartbeat. She handed me the monitor and the wand and gelled it while Mary's belly was waiting for the sono-goo.

I found it in 3 seconds and it was 131 calmly and then jumped to 148. It was great and felt a lot more real.

Mary had to stay for 3 hours to shake, rattle and roll. It looks like a Dr.'s scale with handle bars and it rocks side to side. Mary said it was crazy intense and she had extremely significant contractions but at this point is only 1 cm dilated. So ...we wait.

In my next life, I plan to get on the patience line twice to help me through with less craziness. I have to admit I am doing a good job of going with the flow. Anyone that really knows me, knows this is not a simple task but I guess it’s my lesson in this life and I'm ultimately going to be rewarded for it, I know I will.

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